Typically, a serial number has 5 to 7 digits, but in some cases, it may have fewer or more and may also include a letter. This is a view of the grand with the lid open and the music desk removed. It may be necessary to clean dust off the harp or soundboard before the serial number can be seen.
Upright or vertical piano serial numbers can usually be found by lifting the lid and looking inside on the gold harp or plate. It is usually not necessary to remove the upper front panel to find the serial number (as in this picture).
Gulbransen Piano Serial Number Lookup
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By locating the serial number, you can begin your research to know the value of the piano. The first thing the serial number tells you is the age of the piano. Paired with the who made the piano, the age is a key piece of information, and many piano experts can begin to assign a value quickly after assessing the condition and a few other criteria.
Pianos also have other numbers printed on them such as part numbers and many other pianos do not have a serial number at all. Many pianos will have a 4, 5 or 6 digit serial number to identify the age of the piano. Using this number, along with the manufacturer, the age of the piano can sometimes be determined. The areas to look for these numbers vary from each company but here are some common places to look along with some photos.
3. Grand piano serial numbers are placed in many areas as the photos show. There are seven examples but your serial number placement could be in yet a different location and may require some searching.
The age of your piano is determined mainly from its serial number. You may be able to find information about the age of your piano from the links below. The serial numbers for pianos are usually at least 5 numbers long. Some older piano have 4 digits. Many of the newer pianos have a very long combination of numbers and letters.Some of the manufacturers stopped listing serial numbers with age of their pianos on the internet because there were too many variables and so they prefer that you contact them by email now.
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HomeManualsSuppliesSearchConsultContactTestingServiceService & Technical ManualsThe Serial NumberThe Serial Number is typically located in the vicinity of the Tuning Pins and more specifically between the bass and tenor tuning pins. Most commonly, there is a small oval shaped hole (or cut-out) in the cast iron plate (painted gold color) and the Serial Number is stamped into the wood beneath the plate. This is true for upright units and most grand pianos. Some grand piano makers stamped the number on the Soundboard but this is the exception rather than the rule. On upright units made after 1960, some manufacturers stamped the serial number on the back of the piano. This is especially true of units made by the Aeolian Corporation and Asian built units.
When quoting a piano move, the instrument size is extremely important for accurately determining the number of movers and type of equipment needed. Because piano manufacturers differ in their descriptions, the best way to communicate your piano size is to provide a make and model number. Please note that the serial number will not provide the piano size, however, if your piano is going to be picked up or delivered at a business, it may be beneficial to provide your mover with the serial number as well.
Depending upon the brand, the model number can be in different places. The information and images below provide general information and brand specific areas. If you cannot find any serial or model numbers, your piano may have been refurbished and the number plate, if there was one, was not put back on or the number was covered.
Before you even list a piano for sale, research needs to be done on the instrument and brand. By this, I mean extensive research! Most pianos are built with a brand label, serial number, and model number. A simple Google search of that readily available information will show you a lot about your instrument.
This is where serial numbers come into play. Serial numbers can tell you the exact year your piano was manufactured. This is important because over the years piano manufacturers make slight (and sometimes major) changes to how they build their instruments.
For example, pianos pre-1960 might have ivory keys yet carry the same model number as pianos from 2019. The same can be said for the type of wood finish, hammer action parts, and even which factory the instrument was produced in. Certain features may be rare and present on only older models too. A detail like that can drastically change the value of your instrument.
In most cases, model numbers and serial numbers are going to be most important for grand pianos as opposed to uprights. This is not to say upright pianos do not hold some value, but grand pianos are usually of a higher quality and standard. 2ff7e9595c