Prodinfo.exe is a program you can run which will extract information about the WinTV product you have installed such as model and serial number, MAC address, revision, and features which can be used to identify the exact model of your product. The driver for the device must be installed in order to run Prodinfo.exe
If your PC or laptop does not have a CD-ROM drive, do the following:At the conclusion of the installation a dialog box will pop up saying "Activation required"
Click Enter Product Code
You will find the Product code on your WinTV v7 Installation CD
Enter the Product code including dashes and dots
To find your Product Code Look at the following guide for finding your product code
wintv 7 product code or serial number
Hauppauge product codes on WinTV internal boards are normally found on the TV tuner. This is a five digit number normally followed by a revision (REV). You need to look at the first two numbers to determine the product type. The other numbers are related to the accessories which are on the product.
We can try to look it up with your serial number. To find your serial number, run Prodinfo and copy and paste the results in the Problem description field below. We will email the Activation Code to you.
If you have recently purchased a new WinTV product and your WinTV v8.5 Activation Code has never been used, you can install WinTV v10 with this code. This only applies to unused WinTV v8.5 Activation Codes.
Installation on multiple computers: the WinTV application can be installed on as many PCs as needed as long as you use the same Hauppauge device. We link the serial number of your TV tuner (sometimes it's the MAC address) with the Activation code. So as long as you use the same Hauppauge device, you can install on more than one computer.